


Water Features



Planning first, identifying plants, laying out flower beds, and placing patios precede the installation process. We consider size and room for plants to grow, hardscape expansion, and a furniture layout plan before digging starts.

We focus on open communication from our first meeting through the conclusion of the project.

Plant Identification

Key factors in identifying the correct plants for your landscape include ensuring they do not overgrow the space, and they are suited to the amount of sunlight and soil type. Art’s Landscaping chooses locally grown plants so they will survive the weather conditions of Zone 5, which includes central and northern Illinois.

Lawn Care

Did you know that Art’s Landscaping offers lawn care? You don’t need to purchase, store, and maintain specialized lawn care equipment. Let us bring the right tools to handle lawn care tasks for any size property, from residential lawns to business plaza green spaces. Art’s Landscaping has the tools and experience to meet your lawn care needs efficiently, affordably, and to help ensure a clean, healthy lawn.